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Open Society Foundations, Foundation for a Just Society, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Create Group Initiative to Support Women's Funds

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The initiative will help women’s funds invest in their own organizations—strengthening infrastructure, leadership, communications, fundraising, learning, and other efforts—to help them maximize their impact and achieve their goals.

Morehouse College, Prairie View A&M University & Spelman College Receive Grants from Carnegie, Mellon and Rockefeller Foundations to Support Faculty Development

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Morehouse College, Prairie View A&M University and Spelman College announced today that they are the recipients of $3 million in grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Rockefeller Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to...

The Power of Bridging Issue Silos Through Funding Collaboratives

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Unbound Philanthropy’s Taryn Higashi interviews Anita Khashu of Four Freedoms Fund, Bridgit Antoinette Evans of Pop Culture Collaborative and Aleyamma Mathew of Collaborative for Women’s Safety and Dignity to discuss the role of cross-issue...
