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12 Nov 2019

Census 2020: Why and How It Matters for Impact Investing - A Webinar Hosted by Mission Investors Exchange

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm
How do impact investors and policymakers use and rely on census data? And what are the consequences for impact investors if the census fails to include all our communities? Join our partners, Mission Investors Exchange, for a 90-minute webinar...
17 Oct 2019

Exiting Responsibly: Making Wise Choices As You Wrap Up - A Webinar Hosted by NCFP

Thursday, October 17, 2019 -
2:00pm to 3:30pm
Being the non-family staff leader of a multi-generational family foundation is a privilege and honor. The path to engaging and furthering a family’s philanthropy is a special experience—but it can also be tough. This special conversation for CEOs,...

The New York Women’s Foundation Honors DeAnna Hoskins, President & CEO of JustLeadershipUSA, and Bryan Stevenson, Founder & Executive Director of The Equal Justice Initiative, at 2019 Radical Generosity Dinner

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The New York Women’s Foundation honored two of the nation’s leading champions of social justice on October 7 at its 2019 Radical Generosity Dinner at The Essex House on Central Park West.
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05 Feb 2020

Democracy in 2020 and Beyond

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 -
9:00am to 11:30am
As the 2020 election nears, the immediate threats facing our democracy and the challenges that philanthropy must address could not be more clear. How can we ensure that the 2020 electorate is representative of the American public? What do we need to...
16 Jan 2020

A Balancing Act: Navigating Power in Our Capacity Building Efforts

Thursday, January 16, 2020 -
9:00am to 11:30am
As funders, we are committed to funding programs as well as strengthening the organizations that deliver these programs. Strategies to strengthening organizations can include general operating support and multi-year commitments as well as additional...
