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10 Jul 2014

Funder Briefing on the Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

Thursday, July 10, 2014 -
2:00pm to 4:00pm
After 20 months of supporting and working closely with community-based organizations in neighborhoods most heavily impacted by Hurricane Sandy, North Star Fund published: "From The Edge Of Disaster: How Activists and Insiders Can Use the Lessons of...

When It Comes To Building Resilient Cities, Everyone Wants In

Release Date: 
The idea of building a resilient city is not limited to a handful of people, but from workshops being conducted as part of the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities Challenge, people from all walks of life want to be part of the effort.

Digital Badges: What They Are and Why Funders Should Pay Attention (Part 2)

Release Date: 
The NYC Department of Ed’s Digital Ready network of schools has been working with the Hive NYC Learning Network to give kids opportunities to explore their interests through the creative application of digital and technology, and recognize their...
15 Jul 2014

Art, Technology and Intellectual Property: How Funders Can Help Artists and Arts Institutions Navigate this Changing Landscape

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 -
2:45pm to 5:00pm
The digital age has transformed the way we produce and consume culture. For artists and arts institutions, new and changing technologies have given them the means to reach new and wider audiences, but also they bring new challenges as art,...
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