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09 Jun 2021

New York City Workforce Funders Collaborative Quarterly Meeting - Do CUNY enrollment declines place equitable recovery goals at risk?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 -
9:00am to 10:30am
Join the New York City Workforce Funders Collaborative and field leaders for a deep dive on CUNY enrollment trends and what the decline in enrollment means for the college leaders, industry partners, and funders working to increase student career...
15 Jun 2021

Why Care About Care? Our Economy Depends on it - A Webinar Hosted by Asset Funders Network and Economic Opportunity Funders

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm
The care economy, historically undervalued and underfunded, is an intersectional and intergenerational issue encompassing childcare, early childhood education, home-based care for older adults and people with disabilities as well as the caregivers...
25 May 2021

Why the Time is Right for a Guaranteed Income with an Equity Lens - A Webinar Hosted by Asset Funders Network

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm
We know that the economic impacts of COVID-19 were not felt equally - individuals working in low-wage jobs, Black and Latinx workers and women were disproportionately impacted. Join us as we hear perspectives from a diverse group of thought leaders...

New York Life Launches $1 Billion Impact Investment Initiative to Address Racial Wealth Gap and Appoints Martin King as Head of Impact Investments

Release Date: 
Initial investments include $150 million partnership with Fairview Capital in support of diverse and emerging fund managers and hundreds of small businesses.
