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13 Dec 2018

Whose Democracy?: Midterm Field Notes to Guide Funders Through 2020 and Beyond

Thursday, December 13, 2018 -
9:00am to 11:30am
America’s significant demographic shifts – increased racial and ethnic diversity, a larger aging population, and an altered urban racial composition – present an opportunity to close longstanding representation and electoral gaps in our democracy...
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25 Apr 2019

Empathy in an Era of Social Division and Toxic Politics - A Food for Thought Conversation

Thursday, April 25, 2019 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
A healthy society depends on its citizens having the urge and ability to care for others. Today, however, political and social animosity has nearly paralyzed federal government and limits our society’s ability to solve pressing domestic issues. Can...
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11 Dec 2018

In Mixed Company: People of Color in White Spaces - A Food for Thought Conversation

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Traditional media and social media alike have been flooded with stories of people of color being targeted as they live, work, study, and otherwise navigate “white spaces.” Are these encounters a mere growing pain as society becomes more equitable...
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Research to Prevent Blindness-Supported Researchers Will Be Integral Part of Latest Effort Within NEI’s Audacious Goals Initiative

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Ten researchers who have been supported by RPB will be co-principal investigators on five innovative projects just announced by the National Eye Institute (NEI) as part of its Audacious Goals Initiative (AGI) for Regenerative Medicine.
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04 Dec 2018

Seeding Power: Leadership for Justice-Based Movements in Food and Farming

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 -
3:30pm to 5:00pm
Over the past two decades, food has emerged as a central strategy and focus of nonprofits worldwide concerned with environmentalism and climate change, public health and hunger, community and economic development, human rights, and racial and social...

NoVo Foundation Announce Support for Grassroots Organizations to Address Key Gaps in Local Communities' Responses to Human Trafficking

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Three of the grants were awarded to local nonprofits committed to addressing economic and other social injustices that are at the root of severe exploitation. Each grantee has grassroots community organizing capabilities and the ability to reach...
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What Lies Beneath: The State of NYC Nonprofit Board Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The report is a result of a six month study conducted with the NYC Nonprofit Board Development Coalition, led by NYC Service, which assessed nonprofit board composition, board policies, as well as procedures. The study discovered that nonprofit leadership demographics do not reflect the diversity of New York City; DEI is valued, but not effectively addressed; representation in leadership matters; board complacency and resistance to change impede DEI; and boards may be perpetuating harmful biases.

Supported in Part by the Rita Allen Foundation, Researchers Discover New Protein Factor That Contributes to Cancer Cell Migration

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UCLA researchers have discovered a new protein factor that contributes to a fibroblast cell’s ability to migrate to a wound and participate in its healing process. The study’s results could help scientists prevent cancer cells from using the same...
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