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Redlich Horwitz Foundation Releases New Guide and Online Clearinghouse for Counties to Prepare for the Family First Act

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This new guide is designed to help New York and its counties place more children in foster care with kinship and foster families rather than in congregate care, thereby meeting both the intent and the letter of the new federal law...
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Our Move

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Last week, we announced that Philanthropy New York would be moving to the newly renovated Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice in early 2019. It was exciting news for us to share with our membership and a decision we believe will build a...
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18 Oct 2018

What Funders Need to Know about “Public Charge”: An Analysis of the Published Rule and How Funders Can Take Action - A Webinar Hosted by GCIR

Thursday, October 18, 2018 -
4:00pm to 5:00pm
The “public charge” rule overhaul introduced by the Trump administration would be the most radical change to our nation’s immigration policy in decades. Immigrant families who use any type of public benefits, from medical care to food assistance to...
29 Oct 2018

Is It Time to Embrace Participatory Grantmaking? – A Webinar Hosted by PACE and GrantCraft

Monday, October 29, 2018 -
2:00pm to 3:15pm
Like many established institutions today, foundations are subject to a heightened demand for greater transparency and accountability. Participatory grantmaking can be a vital practice for building trust and enhancing relationships between organized...
23 Oct 2018

Making The Case For Equity And Grassroots Organizing: Funder Stories and Strategies - A Webinar Hosted by HEFN

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Philanthropy is abuzz right now about racial and gender equity and the grassroots. Some of this reflects deepening recognition of moral and political imperatives. For funders focused on issues like toxics, fracking, or drinking water, it also...
