
12 Jul 2016

Using Advocacy to Support Mission: What Your Foundation Can and Can’t Do, Can and Can’t Fund

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn what you need to know about the ins-and-outs — and what's licit and what's not — about using or funding advocacy to further your foundation’s work.
21 Jun 2016

Diverse Boards: Moving Beyond Rhetoric

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 -
9:00am to 11:00am
Many nonprofits and philanthropies embrace the values and goals of inclusiveness, but have had mixed success in diversifying their boards. Some have had challenges identifying appropriate leaders from less familiar communities. Some have had...
24 Mar 2016

Legal Series: Best Practices in International Grantmaking

Thursday, March 24, 2016 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Do you understand and take advantage of all of the options that are available to you when choosing to make grants around the world? Do you have unwarranted fears? Learn how to navigate the legal and programmatic issues in making grants outside the...
21 Jan 2016

Essential Skills and Strategies for New Grantmakers

Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 8:00am to Friday, February 5, 2016 - 5:00pm
Essential Skills and Strategies for New Grantmakers (ESS) provides an introduction to grantmaking and philanthropy for program officers with less than two years of experience in the philanthropic sector. The three day course will help newcomers...
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08 Dec 2015

Nonprofit People Rising: How Foundations Can Nurture Diverse Grantee Talent and Build Organizational Strength

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 -
8:45am to 11:00am
Only 1% or less of foundation grant dollars aim to build up nonprofit professionals, or empower nonprofits to develop their staff. And that has been the case for at least 20 years now.


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