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27 Apr 2018

Philanthropic Assistants & Coordinators Network: Building Supportive Professional Relationships

Friday, April 27, 2018 -
8:30am to 10:30am
We are at capacity for this event. Please email to be added to the wait list. This program is being offered as part of the Philanthropic Assistants and Coordinators Network (PACNET) . ...

Funded by the Carnegie Corporation and OSF, The New Americans Campaign Program Expands To Philadelphia

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Philadelphia is the latest U.S. city to join in the New Americans Campaign (NAC), a multi-organizational collaborative network supporting eligible immigrants in the naturalization process in over 20 metropolitan areas across the country.
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Christine Heenan Joins The Rockefeller Foundation as Vice President for Policy, Partnerships and Communications

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The Rockefeller Foundation today announced that Christine Heenan, founder and president of Clarendon Group and former vice president of public affairs and communications for Harvard University, will join the Foundation as vice president for policy,...
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05 Apr 2018

The NRA's Power to Thwart Gun Control & How Organizations are Responding - A Webinar Hosted by FCCP

Thursday, April 5, 2018 -
3:00pm to 4:00pm
In the wake of the Parkland shooting, it has once again become clear that the NRA has an outsized impact on policy. Join us for a conversation, hosted by FCCP's Money in Politics Working Group, discussing the national and state perspectives around...

Open Society Foundations Along with Collaboration of Funders Highlight Immigrants’ Vital Role in Ohio Communities

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Open Society Foundations, in partnership with a group of other philanthropy organizations, funded a Cleveland State University report, Our Pathway to a Brighter Future: Ohio's New Americans, which highlights the crucial role immigrants play in Ohio'...
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