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Supported By The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The National Alliance for Audition Support Looks to Increase Diversity in Orchestras

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The new initiative — created by the Sphinx Organization, the New World Symphony and the League of American Orchestras — will train musicians for auditions, pair them with mentors, showcase their work in concerts and give them stipends to travel to...
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04 Oct 2018

Elevating Impact: Key Practices for Producing Outcomes

Thursday, October 4, 2018 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Philanthropic practice does not exist in a vacuum. Great funding strategies require the input and partnership of communities and grantees, all the while recognizing how power gets in the way of building trust and healthy relationships.

Change Philanthropy Sits Down with Marjona Jones from the Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program

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Marjona Jones, from Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, shares insight on“What does [equity] look like for your staff? What does it look like for upward mobility? What voices are you lifting up in your boardrooms?”

Open Road Alliance - Roadblock Analysis Report

Roadblock Analysis Report In 2017, Open Road conducted an analysis of 102 applications from the past five years to assess trends in its portfolio. The analysis looked at multiple variables, including the size of the organization, project type, sector focus, geographic focus, legal status, and type of original funder. The analysis also coded each application under a taxonomy of “roadblocks” that describe 22 specific challenges that these organizations faced, divided into three broad categories: Organization Misfortune, Acts of God/Market Economics, and Funder-Created...
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Open Road Alliance -Risk Management Toolkit

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