PNY News

Our Move

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Last week, we announced that Philanthropy New York would be moving to the newly renovated Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice in early 2019. It was exciting news for us to share with our membership and a decision we believe will build a...
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Now Hear This: The Wisdom of Trans Voices

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More and more funders are devoting serious time and resources to increasing equity and inclusion in their work and to ensuring it is intellectually informed or, more progressively, driven by the people their grantmaking purports to help. If you are...
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A Starting Point for Gender Equity in Grantmaking

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“How can philanthropy have a gender equity problem when women are over-represented in the sector?” This is a question I have actually heard. Let’s start with the fact that representation is not the same thing as equity. Let’s also remember that...
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Easy to Say and Hard to Do Well

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Philanthropy New York President Ronna Brown gives gives her take on 'Four Essentials for Foundation Effectiveness' presented by Center for Effective Philanthorpy President Phil Buchanan.
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