This is A Time of Reckoning. It is looking back to move forward. It is active learning and unlearning. And, it is the theme of Philanthropy New York’s Annual Meeting on June 3 rd .
Philanthropy New York stands in solidarity with our colleagues and members who are grieving and outraged over the vicious and violent hate crimes against Asian women in Atlanta on Tuesday evening.
On behalf of Philanthropy New York’s Board of Directors, we are delighted to announce Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham as the organization’s new Chief Executive Officer.
As representatives of nonpartisan philanthropic institutions, serving rural, urban, and suburban communities across the nation, we condemn the violence that broke out at the U.S. Capitol this week.
Ronna Brown shares her reflections on 2020 and gratitude to the PNY community and the organization shares updates on the CEO search and leadership transition.
We are committed to intentionally building and nurturing an interdependent philanthropic community in a virtual world. We ask that you join us in this commitment.