... (CJII) -- $250 million investment in transformative projects that strengthen and support youth, families and our ... Funders : Please email register@philanthropynewyork. org . ($150 fee) Please note: To ensure...
Research shows the increasing importance of the post-secondary credential to one’s ability to participate in the labor market in this knowledge economy. It is predicted that in our not-too-distant future, over 60% of jobs in the U.S. will require one
... Sources: Foundation Center: http ://foundationcenter. org /findfunders/statistics/ National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS): http ://nccs.urban. org /statistics/quickfacts.cfm Council on ...
By Maria Mottola, Executive Director, New York Foundation (This post was adapted from a keynote address given at the Better Business Bureau Charity Symposium on February 28, 2012.) When I heard the title of today’s symposium, “...
Official Statement of Philanthropy New York on: Integrating Health and Human Services “Health & Human Services” have long been paired in nonprofit vernacular, but the reality is that the health sector and the...
If individual organizations came to be regarded as Democratic charities or Republican charities instead of the nonpartisan problem solvers that they are, it would diminish the public’s overall trust in the sector.
Philanthropy New York, 79 Fifth Ave., 4th Floor, NYC.
Nonprofit leaders must routinely navigate a host of changing and often competing interests. Changes resulting from technological innovations, globalization, and the effects of a devastating recession have challenged organizations to be creative and...
DATA2GO.NYC brings together for the first time federal, state, and local data vital to understanding inequality and how multiple factors combine to influence New Yorkers’ well-being in every neighborhood.
On Saturday, more than three million people around the country -- that's one out of every 100 Americans -- and upwards of another 250,000 people around the world marched in the name of gender equality.
A hungry child can’t learn or realize her full potential, writes David Sandman in HuffPost. Hungry kids find it harder to do what is good for their health and engage in a natural part of growing up: being physically active and playing.
The new company will be "free from profit-making incentives and constraints" as it tries to find ways to cut costs and boost satisfaction with the health care plan for employees of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase.
As part of its College Completion report series, Robert Shireman, senior fellow at The Century Foundation, writes about the state of college education, including improved focus on learning as opposed to drop out rates, and what can be done to remedy...
The New York City-based William T. Grant Foundation supports research aimed at improving the lives of young people between the ages of 5 and 25 in the United States.