The Service for Impact working group, rooted in the principles of Reimagining Service, provides a unique opportunity for both corporate grantmakers and corporate volunteer managers to foster a peer network, share successes and challenges, brainstorm on solutions, and explore new opportunities to make a difference in society while supporting business objectives through volunteerism.
What will you learn?
- Solutions to achieve higher impact through corporate volunteering such as:
- Skills-based volunteerism
- Alignment with corporate business strategies
- Strategies to foster purpose-driven employees
Who should attend?
Corporate funders and CECP-affiliated companies. What to expect: panel followed by group discussion.
How do you sign up?
Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above. (no fee)
Guests of Collaborators: Please email with your name, title, organizational affiliation, business mailing address, and phone number. Please indicate by which organizer you were invited. (no fee)
Non-Member Funders: Please email ($150 fee).
Registration is required by March 3rd.
Please email with questions or for further information on this program or on eligibility.