Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance is engineering new solutions that unlock private investment for climate-resilient and low-carbon growth in developing countries.
A funder collaborative led by the New York City-based Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation has emerged onto the child care funding scene in a big way.
These events have the potential to either deepen empathy and understanding among Americans, or divide us even more sharply along lines of race, ethnicity, and gender.
The William T. Grant Foundation seeks to improve the lives of youth by supporting small to medium-size organizations that have already had some success but lack the funds to make needed improvements.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Wilson College a $100,000 grant to strengthen writing instruction for students, especially those in their first year.
These strategies are the culmination of six-months of interviews with nonprofit leaders, government officials, and advocates; a literature review; and a scan of the field for best practices.
The program provides funding to physician-scientists who are one to five years into their first faculty appointment to support their transitions to independent research careers.
This report from the Council on Foundations examines how U.S. funders can view their work in the global development framework and contribute to the success of the goals in the United States.
While an upcoming collaborative program like the “ South Bronx Learning Tour ” on Aug. 4 will offer ideas for education funders, I have some thoughts on collaboration as a mechanism for spread and scale.
The Atlantic Philanthropies and its network of partners are using advocacy and communications to end capital punishment in the United States once and for all.
As a researcher, Dr. Ruth Ann Luna knows that subtyping autism—finding all the genetic variables that may lead to a diagnosis—is vital to improve care for Kellen and other autistic children.