As small and mid-size farms across the country continue to face pressure and are being lost at astounding rates, new local economic outlets are being sought to keep these farms in business. For some, farmers’ markets and CSAs have provided a much...
The award recognizes outstanding men and women whose volunteer efforts have improved the physical, emotional or spiritual well-being of the greater Genesee County area.
The Data for Health initiative, led by the public health team at Bloomberg Philanthropies, aims to support interested governments in creating data systems changes that will be lasting, affordable and impactful.
New Jersey SEEDS, a nonprofit providing education access to high-achieving, low-income students, celebrated the accomplishments of 104 students completing its Scholars and Young Scholars Programs.
Bob Shireman, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation, said the department’s decision on the application should put an end to colleges’ attempts to dodge oversight by converting to nonprofit status.
Technology is now fundamental to how so many of us work, play, and interact. Yet the tools it offers are only beginning to be integrated into how we pursue our goals as grantmakers. The creation of software that makes outreach, education, screening...
After the tragic shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL on June 12, 2016, Proteus Fund quickly launched a Rapid Response Fund to support LGBTQ and Muslim, Arab & South Asian communities grappling with the implications of this massacre.
Income inequality in the United States has not been this bad in almost a century—not since the end of the 1920s, just before the country crashed into the Great Depression.
In many cases, foundations wish to solve social problems like extreme poverty and hunger — but acquire their resources through forces that have arguably helped create those very problems.
Investigators eager to uncover the genetic basis of autism could now have hundreds of promising new leads thanks to a study by Princeton University and Simons Foundation researchers.
Yvonne L. Moore of Moore Philanthropy says she and Black colleagues share the deeply frustrating experience of having decisions, grant recommendations and analyses consistently questioned, unjustly critiqued and sometimes even undermined.