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Commonwealth Fund’s Biennial Health Insurance Survey Finds People with Medicaid Have Better Access to Health Care Than the Uninsured and Fewer Medical Bill Problems

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Having Medicaid is not only substantially better than being uninsured, but it provides enrollees with health insurance that on most measures is as good as or, in some cases, better than private coverage, according to new a Commonwealth Fund report.
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Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Awards Scholarship Grant to the Schwartz Center and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing for Compassion Scholars Program

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The program is designed to give select nursing and medical students exposure to strategies, skills and programs that are being successfully implemented in settings they are likely to encounter in the field.
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With Support from the Arcus Foundation, Study of Transgender Preschoolers Assesses Preferences and Identity

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In one of the first examinations of early gender development among transgender preschoolers, a new study has found that these children were just as likely as nontransgender children to have preferences associated with their gender, and to have as...
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Long Island Community Foundation-Backed Report Finds Racial Inequities Cost LI’s Economy Billions Each Year

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Long Island’s economy could have had an infusion of $24 billion in 2014 alone were it not for racial inequities resulting in an income gap faced by African-American residents, according to a report released Monday by the Urban League of Long Island.
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