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Yale School of Management announced that $10 million has been raised to expand the Yale Program on Financial Stability and launch the “Crisis-Response Project," which will codify best practices and provide training that can help governments fight...

As Schools Adopt Social-Emotional Programs, A New Guide Funded by the Wallace Foundation Offers Help

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A new guide, Navigating Social and Emotional Learning from the Inside Out, published by researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and commissioned by the Wallace Foundation, aims to steer school districts through the thicket of social...
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Commonwealth Fund, NY State Health Foundation, Peterson Center Noted as the Funders Behind the Movement for Open Notes

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Can the simple act of sharing a healthcare provider's notes with a patient improve health outcomes? The OpenNotes movement thinks it can and, today, millions of patients in 37 states have access to notes in their medical records.

Fast Company Names James Anderson of Bloomberg Philanthropies 'The Most Creative Person of 2017'

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Innovative leaders are changing the world through their work in tech, fashion, food, entertainment, and more. James Anderson of Bloomberg Philanthropies, is using technology, data, and a focus on sharing to spread best practices among cities.
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United Hospital Fund Report Examines Hospital Patients’ Refusal of Home Care Services & the Impact on Readmissions and Outcomes

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United Hospital Fund and the Alliance for Home Health Quality and Innovation analyzed the issue of patients who refuse home health care services when they are discharged from inpatient care. Such refusals can lead to higher rates of readmission to...
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07 Jun 2017

Trailblazers: The Bold States Leading the Charge on Climate Change

Wednesday, June 7, 2017 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
In the absence of federal legislation or a national will to put a price on carbon, the federal government is unlikely to make progress on climate action over the next four years. Recognizing that we can’t afford to wait that long, activists in some...
18 May 2017

Monthly Immigration Policy Calls: Recent Policy Developments and Their Impact - A Webinar Hosted by GCIR

Thursday, May 18, 2017 -
4:00pm to 5:15pm
From the Lone Star State to the White House, the month of May has seen several policy changes that will have a negative impact on immigrant communities and communities of color across the country.
