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Capital One, Howard Gilman, and Doris Duke Support City Parks SummerStage 2017 Season

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City Parks Foundation is excited to announce the 2017 season of SummerStage, New York City's largest free outdoor performing arts festival, bringing more than 100 performances to Central Park and 15 neighborhood parks throughout the five boroughs.
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Funded by the Educational Foundation of America, New Study Finds Potential for High-Impact Philanthropy Untapped in South

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Funded by the Educational Foundation of America and the Kresge and Mary Reynolds Babcock foundations, the report argues that the South is fertile ground for philanthropic investment and boasts both the skills and infrastructure necessary to empower...
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25 May 2017

Philanthropic Assistants & Coordinators Network Spring Program: Effective Communication Across Generations

Thursday, May 25, 2017 -
8:45am to 10:00am
Our workplaces likely contain employees from all five working generations: Veterans, Baby Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Linksters. As such, understanding the difference in communication and workstyles among generations can vastly improve your...
20 Apr 2017

What is at Stake in the Global Refugee Crisis? – A Webinar Hosted by GCIR

Thursday, April 20, 2017 -
4:00pm to 5:00pm
More people than any other time in history have been forced from their homes. Violence and persecution in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Central America, and beyond has displaced 65 million people around the globe. More than half of recognized...
