Helmsley Charitable Trust and Tiffany & Co. Foundation Support Effort to Untangle a Growing Web of Ocean Conservation Funding

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Helmsley Charitable Trust and Tiffany & Co. Foundation Support Effort to Untangle a Growing Web of Ocean Conservation Funding

Ocean conservation philanthropy is global, and it’s local. It’s market-based and regulatory. It’s about blue whales and microbes. It’s as expansive and varied as, well, the ocean. 

This is an area of philanthropy that consistently stuns in terms of amounts given and strategies pursued, hoisted up by longstanding foundations like Packard, California tech icons like Eric and Wendy Schmidt, and newcomers like the Marc and Lynne Benioff. 

The space is definitely dominated by huge players like the Packard, Moore, and Walton Family foundations, and it’s also one that can be baffling, with the variety of work happening and the complex science behind the issue. This can leave small or new donors feeling like they have to reinvent the wheel or build a big professional staff to make an impact. And it can leave grant seekers feeling like they're stuck on the outside, peering in on an exclusive club of anointed members...