International Grantmakers Network

About the Group

In 2012, Philanthropy New York responded to member interest and facilitated the development of the International Grantmakers Network to enhance the effectiveness of grantmakers working internationally. The network goals were to:

  • foster and improve communication among funders active in or considering international grantmaking;
  • support and enhance the dissemination of funding best practices;
  • provide professional enrichment to funders; and
  • create opportunities for international funders to build relationships with colleagues in the sector.

*In 2025, PNY has decided to discontinue our International Grantmakers Network and instead, engage with our community of international funders through the curation of values-aligned co-sponsored programs and skills-building sessions, as needed, aligned with our strategic commitment(s). All IGN members will still have access to the IGN email listserv and online discussion group. For more information, please contact Jelena Kostadinovic, Manager of Learning.