Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he will build on Michael Bloomberg's and the Open Society Foundations' Young Men's Initiative supporting black and Latino men, reported The New York Observer.
Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal explains the new rise in private health insurance exchanges and how they relate to the Affordable Care Act.
Goldman Sachs and five other supporters will invest $18 million in a Massachusetts program to reduce recidivism among ex-convicts, the biggest "pay for success" project in the U.S., reported The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that Bloomberg Philanthropies will turn its Cities of Service program into a stand-alone nonprofit that will help mayors across the U.S. tackle challenges via volunteer efforts.
The Educational Foundation of America and the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation are among the 17 foundations who have vowed to divest the fossil fuel stocks in their endowments and invest at least five percent of their assets in clean-energy companies,...
Several business executives, including Lee Wasserman, Director of the Rockefeller Family Fund, have signed on to Mayor de Blasio's plan to raise taxes to fund citywide pre-K and after-school programs, reported Crain's New York Business.