Investment strategist Anne Tatlock, best known for having been one of the most successful female executives on Wall Street, has been named to the Carnegie Corporation of New York Board of Trustees. The first woman to be named president and CEO of...
The Ford Foundation has announced the election of Lourdes Lopez to serve as a member of its Board of Trustees. Lopez will be the first artist to join the foundation’s Board of Trustees. Lopez is the artistic director of Miami City Ballet and...
The Foundation Center announced the appointment of new staff positions that will strengthen its ability to meet the changing needs of the social sector.
Environmental expert Arturo Garcia-Costas has joined The New York Community Trust as Program Officer for national and New York City environmental grantmaking.
Philanthropy New York is pleased to announce the appointments of Shanqua Harrison as the organization's new Controller and Allyson Goldhagen as our new Member Services Manager.