Governor Cuomo named Tow Foundation Executive Director, Emily Tow Jackson, to the Commission on Youth, Public Safety & Justice, which will provide concrete, actionable recommendations regarding youth in New York's criminal and juvenile justice...
The Surdna Foundation announced that Michelle Knapik, director of the foundation’s Sustainable Environments program, has accepted a position as the next President of the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation in New Haven, Conn. effective May 12, 2014.
Andrea G. Cohen joined the United Hospital Fund as its new Senior Vice President for Program. An attorney with extensive legal and policy experience in the health care world, Cohen comes to the Fund from the Office of the New York City Mayor, where...
The Century Foundation Jeff Madrick as a senior fellow. Madrick is the Director of the Bernard L. Schwartz Rediscovering Government Initiative, which will now be housed with TCF.
LaVerne Evans Srinivasan, an expert on employing talent strategies to strengthen urban education, has joined Carnegie Corporation of New York as Program Director for Teaching and Human Capital Management. Srinivasan will oversee the Corporation’s...
John E. Craig, Jr., The Commonwealth Fund's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, has announced he will retire at the end of 2014, after 33 years at the Fund. Since joining the foundation in 1981, he has served as vice president and...
Hilary Pennington, Vice President of the Ford Foundation's Education, Creativity and Free Expression program has been appointed to The Center for Effective Philanthropy's Board.