From the Using Financial Statements Together with IRS Form 990 to Understand Your Potential Grantees event, this is a sample of an except organzation's finiancial statment.
In this NYSHealth-supported report, the Children’s Defense Fund identifies ways to sustain New York State’s school-based health centers (SBHCs), while also achieving the goals of the Medicaid Redesign initiative, to serve New York’s most at-risk children.
Philanthropy New York's local public policy issue guide on the idea of Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTs) for property-owning nonprofits in New York City.
This North Star Fund report illustrates how several national and local funders have worked together to support community organizing and advocacy groups working together in coalition.
Susan Fairchild of New Visions for Public Schools discusses how policymakers and educators are rethinking how to measure what matters when it comes to college and career readiness for New York students.
Panelists discussed the expected effects from what has already passed Congress in January 2013 and whether or not the charitable deduction debate is leading to the neglect of even more important issues in the budget battles likely to be beset us for years to come.