Public Policy

Learn Foundation Law

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The legal staff at the David and Lucile Packard, Bill & Melinda Gates, William and Flora Hewlett, and Gordon and Betty Moore foundations have developed this free, first-of-its-kind online resource, which covers the basic legal rules around what staff are allowed to fund and engage in at a private foundation, including how lobbying laws apply to private foundations, who and what they can legally fund, the types of grants private foundations are allowed to provide and how to fund projects when advocacy and lobbying are involved.
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A Practical Guide to New York's Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act

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Enacted in September 2010, the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (NYPMIFA) makes important changes to the laws concerning the expenditure of charitable endowment funds. It also includes new provisions concerning the prudent management and investment of funds held by charities and the delegation of management and investment responsibilities to outside advisors, along with new protections for donors. This Guide summarizes key provisions of the Act and provides practical guidance in response to frequently asked questions.
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Modernizing the 990-PF to Advance the Accountability and Performance of Foundations: A Modest Proposal

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In this essay, Commonwealth Fund Executive Vice President and COO John E. Craig analyzes the shortcomings of the tax return form for private foundations and discusses how the 990-PF could be transformed into a more effective instrument for promoting accountability and best practices in the foundation sector.
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Related Organizations 

Working with Government: Guidance for Grantmakers

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Foundation-government collaborations seem to be on the rise as each sector looks to pool resources with new partners. How can grantmakers take advantage of the benefits while managing the risks of working on terrain that can be unfamiliar to all parties? GrantCraft's latest guide includes case studies, suggestions for finding changemakers in government and advice on navigating roles and power dynamics. Government partners chime in with ideas for keeping things running smoothly.

Grow the Craft: "What's the right relationship between philanthropy and government?"

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In a recent survey, GrantGraft shared reflections from eight foundation leaders on this question (including Karen Davis of The Commonwealth Fund; M. Christine DeVita of the Wallace Foundation; Vartan Gregorian of the Carnegie Corporation of New York; Gara LaMarche of The Atlantic Philanthropies; Gail Nayowith of the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund; and Luis Ubiñas of the Ford Foundation) and then asked their users to weigh in. This survey report shares the results.

How Foundations Use Communications to Advance Their Public Policy Work

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This study examines how foundations that wish to engage in public policy are using communications to expand the reach and impact of their work. It reveals that communications is at the very center of successful policy engagement for the foundations interviewed, which make use of ten distinctly different strategies to boost their policy engagement. Among the foundations included in the study are The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.


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