Public Policy

09 May 2012

Citizenship: New Pathways to Economic Opportunity, Civic Participation, and Immigrant Integration

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - 11:00am
Carnegie Corporation of New York
In the United States, an estimated 8.2 million immigrants are currently eligible for citizenship. After California (2.5 million), New York is home to the second largest naturalization-eligible population in the United States (950,000).* Immigrants...

New York State Grantmakers for Census Equity

Publication date: 
In 2017, a small group of funders came together to create a learning community about the upcoming 2020 census, and to consider ways in which philanthropy could play a role in ensuring a fair and accurate census count.That group became PNY's 2020 Census Work Group . Working with the membership of PNY's upstate sister organization New York Funders Alliance , an expanded group of funders and philanthropic member associations established New York State Grantmakers for Census Equity , a collaboration through which funders can coordinate the allocation of resources towards census-...

Regulating Donor Advised Funds

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A donor-advised fund is a giving vehicle designed to manage donations on behalf of individuals, families or organizations. DAFs provide a flexible way for donors to give to charities—an alternative to direct giving or creating a private foundation. Donors to DAFs enjoy administrative convenience, tax advantages and cost savings compared to operating a private foundation.

Ask the Right Questions: Funders Toolkit

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The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers as released two toolkits both designed for structured group reflection. The first is a self-assessment tool that can help affinity groups engaging in policy work determine how well they're set up for success. The second is a set of planning checklists that affinity groups can use to do policy work and regional associations can use to support that work.
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