... Skills and Training in Schools for Youth Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). The program is focused on improving the quality ... teachers as well as career counselling for students. Pilot projects will be launched...
Did you know that your vote on this year's New York City ballot will influence crucial policy decisions affecting our sector, including the collaboration between philanthropy, government, and nonprofits essential for creating impactful change?
Last Fall, we hosted a conversation exploring the journey toward greater racial equity on boards. In order to recruit and retain board service from Black leaders, it is imperative to examine and evaluate internal operating systems and practices.
To protect the integrity and security of U.S. elections, all local, state, and federal elections should be conducted using human-readable paper ballots by the 2020 presidential election, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences,...
... proposals that do not include the actual costs of the projects we’re funding. I recently learned of one local ... effectively run robust organizations capable of executing projects . Thus, beginning January 1,...
A project of the Council on Foundations and TechSoup Global, NGOsource employs a streamlined process (known as equivalency determination or ED) to determine if a non-U.S. organization is equivalent to a U.S. public charity and creates a central repository of certified EDs that will benefit both U.S. grantmakers and the international organizations they support.
Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas describes the Work Supports Strategies (WSS) initiative — an Urban Institute-directed project to design, test and implement operating changes to public work support systems — and what WSS has taught funders...
Each Macy Faculty Scholar engages in activities to enhance their career as an educator, as well as pursuing a mentored educational innovation project at their home institution.
Efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles soon may get a boost from a team of Princeton University researchers and a socially responsible gaming company that are seeking to use virtual reality to help improve systems to discover and monitor nuclear...
... her the much-needed opportunity to develop her next two projects at Rattlestick…both of which have great promise ... like Second Stage by offering scratch that doesn’t just fund productions, but supports...