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10 Nov 2020

Financial Coaching with a Racial Equity Lens: Recommendations for Funders

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 -
9:30am to 10:30am
Grantmakers are increasingly applying a racial equity lens to their investments as an essential element to effective philanthropy. This session, in partnership with the Asset Funders Network, will offer an in-depth discussion on best practices,...
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Rockefeller Brothers Fund Increases Spending to Seize ‘Hinge Moment in History’

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The Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced today that it will increase its annual spending to allocate an additional $48 million over the next five years to address critical system failures that underlie both the COVID-19 pandemic and the enduring...

Asian American Leaders In A Moment Of Pride And Peril - Featuring Don Chen, Surdna Foundation and Taryn Higashi, Unbound Philanthropy

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Asian American leaders in philanthropy dicscuss anti-Asian bigotry and xenophobia, their foundation's response to the COVID-19 crisis, and philanthropy's role in promoting people of color into executive roles.
22 Jul 2020

Collective Trauma of Systemic Racism and COVID-19 on Young People: What Supports Will They Need Upon Returning to School and Afterschool Programs?

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm
Join us for a discussion regarding how funders can support a thoughtful return to school and afterschool programs in the midst of our current health crises.

The Ford Foundation's $1.0 Billion Bond - A Briefing Note from SeaChange Capital Partners

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The Ford Foundation announced last week that it would roughly double its grantmaking in each of the next two years. This is terrific as the immense challenges of the present moment require this type of outside the box thinking by foundations.
02 Jul 2020

Funding a Racially Just Regenerative Regional Food System - A Webinar Hosted by Community Food Funders

Thursday, July 2, 2020 -
2:00pm to 3:30pm
In New York State, agriculture is one of the most racially inequitable of all the state's economic sectors. There is burgeoning black interest in farming and healthier food resulting from decades of organizing, institution-building, and by ongoing...
09 Jul 2020

Supporting Youth and Next-gen Philanthropy: How to Get Started - A Webinar Hosted by NCFP

Thursday, July 9, 2020 -
12:00pm to 1:15pm
Please join us for a discussion that will explore a number of important considerations, including when, and how to introduce the concept of giving to your family, and how to promote formal engagement in the family philanthropy.

The New York Community Trust, Robin Hood, and UJA-Federation of New York to Offer Capacity-Building Resources for New York's Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19

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The New York Community Trust, Robin Hood, and UJA-Federation of New York are funding a new half-million dollar effort to provide consulting services for hundreds of nonprofits across New York that are struggling from impacts to their business from...
