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Capacity Building Across Borders: Philanthropy New York’s International Grantmakers Network

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Philanthropy New York members recently participated in the first session of our International Grantmakers Network program series, an opportunity to focus on how funders define and approach capacity building in an international context and to learn...

A Funders Conversation with Mayor Mitch Landrieu

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On November 16th, Philanthropy New York held a members briefing (sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Open Society Institute, the Surdna Foundation, and the Twenty-First Century Foundation) featuring a keynote address by the Honorable Mitch Landrieu,...

Understanding Muslim America

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Our February 14th members briefing—sponsored by the Daphne Foundation, the New York Foundation, the North Star Fund, the Open Society Foundations, the Proteus Fund, and the Trinity Church Parish Grants Program—provided our members with an...

These Days Everyone Can Be A Communicator…But Is That Enough?

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Bruce Trachtenberg, Executive Director of The Communications Network, and Philanthropy New York's new Vice President of Communications & Public Policy, Michael Hamill Remaley, discuss the changing responsibilities of foundation communicators as...
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The Case for Using a Social Justice Lens in Grantmaking

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Michael Seltzer, Trustee at EMpower-The Emerging Markets Foundation and past President of Philanthropy New York, explores the history of social justice and grantmaking and explains how foundations can effectively practice social justice philanthropy.
