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Foundations as First Responders?

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We’re pleased to have Brooklyn Community Foundation President Marilyn Gelber share the lessons she’s learned about philanthropic response to disaster — lessons that enabled her to serve Brooklyn and its communities well following Hurricane Sandy.
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Bridging the Knowledge Gap About Grantmaking for People with Disabilities

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On October 19th, Philanthropy New York held a collaborative program to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide funders with an opportunity to learn more about the Disability Funders Network and inclusive...
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Ask Your Question to Duncan, King and Walcott!

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At our 33rd Annual Meeting, WNYC's education correspondent Beth Fertig will moderate the panel discussion with our education leaders and we want you to join us in developing the questions for the panel. Beth welcomes submissions from Philanthropy...
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As National Momentum Grows, Advocates’ Voices Ring Out On Capitol Hill

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In this post reprinted from the blog of the National Opportunity to Learn Campaign, Edward W. Hazen Foundation President and Philanthropy New York Board member Lori Bezahler reports from the first-ever Congressional public hearing on ending the...

After a Gay Rights Victory, a New Challenge for Grantmakers

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We’re pleased to have Michael Seltzer, Trustee at EMpower-The Emerging Markets Foundation and past President of Philanthropy New York, comment on the Supreme Court’s historic decision on marriage equality and examine the history of philanthropic...
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Staten Island after Sandy: A Funder Update

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In advance of our Annual Meeting, we’re pleased to have Betsy Dubovsky, Executive Director of The Staten Island Foundation, update us on the relief efforts on Staten Island in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and what her foundation and other...
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