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16 May 2017

Women and LGBTQ Leaders in the Immigration Debate: Louder, Prouder and More Effective Than Ever

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
The Trump Administration is advancing policies that would beat back advances made by immigrants to America with extraordinarily broad and wide-ranging executive orders that have been the object of massive public protests and precedent-setting...

Con Edison, Mertz Gilmore, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Support Radical Comedian's Latest Work at New York Live Arts

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FCA Recipient and 2014 Doris Duke Impact Awardee Adrienne Truscott , the radical comedian, activist and performance artist best know for her blistering satire about rape culture, will premier her latest work THIS at New York Live...
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Rockefeller, Arabella Advisors Collaborate on 'Risk Management for Philanthropy-a Toolkit'

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The Open Road Alliance, The Rockefeller Foundation and Arabella Advisors collaborated on "Risk Management for Philanthropy-a Toolkit," which is described as "the first practical, comprehensive framework providing guidance to funders on how to...
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