Thanks to a $250,000 challenge grant from The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, the nonprofit Penn-Mar Human Services, an Employment First provider, will be able to expand its Community Employment (CE) program over the next two years.
Paid sick leave. A higher living wage. Gender identity. Ban the box. Are you keeping abreast of the rapidly changing employment laws in New York City? Join us for a presentation from Daniel Murphy of Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson, LLP. Dan has...
Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) are a staple of youth development programming in cities across the country. SYEP is often one of the first formal employment opportunity for young adults. Participants learn job skills, work with other young...
Summer jobs have a long-term impact, especially on low-income youth and their communities. Data shows that for every year a young person works, income during their 20s rises by 14-16%.
Repealing certain elements of the ACA—the Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits—could lead to 2.6 million jobs lost and lower gross state products of $1.5 trillion over five years, the Commonwealth Fund reports
Join the NYC Youth Funders for a session will focus on what's new and innovative in Summer Youth Employment and summertime Learning to Work initiatives for historically underserved students.