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03 Feb 2016

It’s PUBLIC Transit: Funders Look at New Initiatives to Connect NYC’s People & Places

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 -
9:00am to 11:00am
We face a unique moment in the life of public transit in New York. After three decades of steadily improving service, quality indicators have started to decline. You see it every day: train cars break down more often, delays have gone up,...

New York Community Trust President: Donors Can Make a Difference on Homelessness, Heroin, Incarceration and Education

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Well-targeted grants make a huge difference. It’s even more effective when a foundation like the New York Community Trust pools the gifts of generous neighbors, then joins other funders and government agencies to bring about change.

A New Way Forward: Bringing an Equity Lens to the Work of Reducing the Influence of Money in Our Democracy

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This touches upon key issues to help analyze grantmaking strategies. How does your definition of “winning” fit in a broader democracy reform agenda? How do we authentically connect with communities of color to develop a new framework of equity, diversity, and inclusion? How do we build effective collaborative relationships towards victory, without losing sight of long-term capacity and infrastructure needs?
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A New Way Forward: Bringing an Equity Lens to the Work of Reducing the Influence of Money in Our Democracy

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Based on candid interviews with funding partners and thought leaders, Piper’s report "A New Way Forward: Bringing an Equity Lens to the Work of Reducing the Influence of Money in Our Democracy” touches upon key issues to help analyze their grantmaking strategies.
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Community-Development Conference -NeighborWorks Training Institute - Supported by JPMorgan Chase Foundation, Citi Foundation - Kicks Off

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The NeighborWorks Training Institute convenes in Washington Dec. 7-11. The conference is hosted by NeighborWorks America, a national, congressionally chartered nonprofit that creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve...
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New Disclosures on Mozilla Foundation and its Supporters (Ford, Helmsley)

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The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation is a high-profile crusader for Internet freedom, and it shares the Firefox browser with the world.How does Mozilla spends its money? The answers — including a few surprises — have just arrived. Ten major foundations...
