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Scientists Find Key Driver for Treatment of Deadly Brain Cancer (Helmsley Charitable Trust)

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Glioblastoma multiforme is a particularly deadly brain cancer. Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a key to how these tumor cells proliferate so quickly --and ways to turn this engine of tumor growth into a target for cancer treatment.
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09 Mar 2016

Workforce Funders Quarterly Meeting: NYSED Commissioner & Innovative Workforce Strategies for Youth and Young Adults at the National Level

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 -
9:00am to 11:00am
The March Quarterly meeting will feature a presentation by the Commissioner of New York State Department of Education and a panel presentation on Innovative Workforce Strategies for Youth and Young Adults at the National Level: The Implications for...
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Students with Influence Over Peers Reduce School Bullying: Research Funded by WT Grant, Russell Sage Foundations

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Curbing school bullying has been a focal point for educators, administrators, policymakers and parents, but the answer may not lie within rules set by adults, according to new research led by Princeton University.
