School Funding: The Road to Equity for NYC

Friday, January 29, 2016 -
9:45am to 12:00pm EST
Fordham Street Foundation, at K & L Gates, 599 Lexington Avenue, NYC
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Nearly every conversation about improving New York City’s public schools includes a call for more funding. Yet, we rarely discuss where the funding comes from, the history of advocacy for more funding for New York City schools, where we are now in terms of school financing, and next steps toward funding equity. As we enter another spring budget season, we will take a closer look at New York City school funding and the advocacy for funding equity in New York.  
  • The history of and current state of advocacy - specifically the Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE) and organizing efforts around CFE
  • The current state of New York City school finance, including the sources of funding, City formulas for allocation, and the connection to programs in schools
  • What comes next for New York City 


Designed for

All interested funders, especially in education.


9:45 AM - 10:00 AM  Check-in
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  Program
Registration is required by January 28.
Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above. (no fee)
Non-Member Funders: Please email ($150 fee)
Please email with any questions.

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