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In successfully scaling up social programs through partnerships, 45 diverse nonprofits faced three key choices: their partner, their approach to spreading their work, and their call on the balance between fidelity and flexibility at the expansion...
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Giving While Living

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The common quest of all who seek to achieve lasting improvements in our communities and in our world—whether we are individual donors, foundations, nonprofits or government agencies—is to make the highest and best use of our resources. It requires us to ask questions like: What are our best opportunities to make a difference? What impact can we have and how do we know what impact our grants are having? What are grantee organizations accomplishing? What’s working… what’s not? Or, as Chuck Feeney, founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, never hesitated to ask, starting with the foundation’s...
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American Cities Lead the Way Amongst 25 Climate Change Projects Competing to be C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards 2017 Winners

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Eleven US cities, including Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., are among the 25 finalists for the C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards 2017. These projects represent the most ambitious and...
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How The Rockefeller Foundation Is Bringing Electricity To Hundreds Of Villages Across India

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Since 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation has made “energy poverty” their priority with the launch of a program called Smart Power for Rural Development, a $75 million initiative aimed at bringing reliable electricity to energy-poor villages and...
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Mapping the Intersections of Peace and Security and Human Rights Work - Brown Bag Lunch

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
The relationship between peace and security and human rights is complex. The protection and promulgation of human rights are essential to creating peaceful societies, yet, when peace is threatened, human rights are often sacrificed in the name of...

Ms. Foundation Centers Black Women, Nonconforming People and Fem(me)s in Campaigns for Expanded Sanctuary Cities

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As the Trump Administration plans immigration raids and continues attacks on DACA youth, immigrants, and multiple vulnerable populations, the Ms. Foundation for Women is calling for the expansion of sanctuary policies at the local level to center...
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