All Funders

Foundations as First Responders?

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By Marilyn Gelber, President, Brooklyn Community Foundation When I was in city government (a quite remarkable time in New York City extending from the 1970s to the late 1990s) and some disaster befell us — blackouts, hurricanes,...
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Staten Island after Sandy: A Funder Update

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By Betsy Dubovsky, Executive Director, The Staten Island Foundation As a Philanthropy New York member, I’m looking forward to this year’s Annual Meeting as an opportunity to connect with colleagues and reflect on what’s been...
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Creating a Conversation About Hunger in America

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By James K. Cummings, Board Chair, Nathan Cummings Foundation This past week, I undertook a “SNAP Challenge” in which I spent the week eating on approximately $5.27 a day — the equivalent of the daily Supplemental Nutrition...
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