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Philanthropy’s Response To Hurricane Sandy

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Philanthropy New York is working intensively with Regional Associations throughout the affected area to coordinate and track philanthropic responses to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. Our dedicated disaster response page,...
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The Rise of Women (in Philanthropy)

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By Samantha Beinhacker , Managing Director, Arabella Advisors Last March, in celebration of Women’s History Month, Arabella hosted a webinar panel on “ Women and Philanthropy ” to dig into the ways that women are making a...
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How Philanthropists Can Play Politics

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By Eric Kessler , Founder, Principal and Managing Director, Arabella Advisors In an earlier post, I urged the philanthropic community to put aside its misgivings and get involved in political giving. On September...
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Advancing Women in Science: A Groundbreaking Model

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By Nessa Rapoport and Emily Milder, Charles H. Revson Foundation A nation’s most valuable resource is the brainpower of its citizens. Today, in the knowledge-based economies of the West and, increasingly, of the globe, no country...
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