Finance & Asset Management

What to Look for in a Nonprofit's Financial Statement

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In What to Look for in a Nonprofit's Financial Statement, participants learned how to analyze and evaluate nonprofit financial statements and know what questions to raise for further analysis. They walked through a set of financial statements, focusing on definitions and relationships of numbers.

Key Facts on Mission Investing

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The number of charitable foundations employing their investment portfolios to achieve a social benefit is on the rise, according to this report. Key Facts on Mission Investing finds that one in seven surveyed foundations are directing their assets to market-rate mission-related investments and/or below-market-rate program-related investments. By investing endowment dollars to further their charitable missions, these grantmakers —which hold 20 percent of all U.S. foundation assets— are extending the public benefit of their resources. The report also offers perspective from Stephen Viederman,...

Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Investment Policy

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Innovative strategies and new investment opportunities can be used to align investment practices with mission objectives to sustain the public good. Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation offers a look at their investment policy which can be used as a template for others.

A Practical Guide to New York's Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act

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Enacted in September 2010, the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (NYPMIFA) makes important changes to the laws concerning the expenditure of charitable endowment funds. It also includes new provisions concerning the prudent management and investment of funds held by charities and the delegation of management and investment responsibilities to outside advisors, along with new protections for donors. This Guide summarizes key provisions of the Act and provides practical guidance in response to frequently asked questions.
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Program-Related Investing: Skills & Strategies for New PRI Funders

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When grantmakers talk about assessing and managing the risks associated with program-related investing, they're referring to both financial and programmatic concerns. GrantCraft asked five experienced PRI makers how they think about risk, how they weigh and balance different sorts of risk, and how they mitigate risk in their PRI portfolios.


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