Looking at the 990 Part I (March 3) and Part II (March 10)

Thursday, March 10, 2016 -
8:45am to 10:30am EST
Philanthropy New York, 1500 Broadway, 7th Floor, NYC
Members of PNY & Partner Orgs: 
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This program is a part of a four-part Interpreting Financial Statements Series from our 2016 PNY Core Curriculum:

Missed Part 1? View recording here.
Missed Part 2? View recording here.


*Please note: Participants will automatically be registered for both sessions in this two-part series.

The IRS Form 990 is used by funders as a tool to track and scrutinize the finances, governance and accomplishments of grant applicants and recipients. What information can be gleaned from the form? What has changed within the form since prior years?

  • How to look and understand your grantees' 990 in depth
  • Common misperceptions and errors made on the 990


Designed for

Funders with less than two years of experience in the field – program officers, CEOs and other staff, as well as trustees. It is also recommended for experienced grantmakers seeking a refresher in the basic financial tools of grantmaking.


8:45 -9:00 AM Check-in
9:00 -10:30 AM Program

Registration is required by March 2nd. You will automatically be registered for both Part 1 (March 3rd) and Part II (March 10th).

*Please indicate if you will be attending via webcast or in-person (option will be listed upon checkout).*

Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above. (no fee)

Non-Member Funders: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org ($150 fee).

Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with any questions.