Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Board of Trustees of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is pleased to announce that Elizabeth M. Hewitt will join the Foundation as Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer. In this role, Ms. Hewitt will be a member of the Foundation’s senior management team, responsible for managing the Foundation’s endowment and leading the Foundation’s investment staff. On June 30, 2015 the Foundation’s endowment was valued at approximately $1.9 billion. Ms. Hewitt is currently Managing Director, Public Investments for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).
“Elizabeth Hewitt is a first-class investor with extensive experience managing diversified asset portfolios and a proven track record of successful fund manager selection and oversight,” says Richard Bernstein, Chair of the Sloan Foundation Investment Committee and the CIO Search Committee. “I truly look forward to working with her in the years ahead.”
As Managing Director, Public Investments for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Ms. Hewitt was responsible for endowment investment strategy, fund manager evaluation and selection, portfolio construction, and risk management for a portion of the RWJF’s $10.2 billion endowment. Prior to joining RWJF in 2006, Ms. Hewitt was a Senior Vice President for Lazard Asset Management (2001-2006), a Hedge Fund Analyst for The Torrey Funds (1999-2001), and Wealth Management Associate for the U.S. Trust Corporation (1998-1999).
“Elizabeth has a decade-long history of working productively and effectively inside the world of Foundation endowments,” says Paul L. Joskow, President of the Sloan Foundation. “She not only understands markets, she understands how to work collaboratively with Trustees and Foundation management to craft effective investment strategies for the Foundation’s endowment. I am thrilled she will be joining us.
“The Sloan Foundation is one of the most venerable and well-respected institutions in philanthropy,” says Ms. Hewitt. “I am both honored and excited to join the Foundation in support of its mission to advance research and education in science, technology, and economics.”