Foundations working toward racial equity and/or racial justice are experiencing new and deepened challenges to progress, from actions by the federal administration to reactionary rollbacks in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments and legal challenges of programs designed to address long-standing harms.
In partnership with Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) and Race Forward, this session will unpack opportunities for philanthropy to strategically navigate pushback on DEI using all the tools and resources available to us while also recognizing the threats and concerns present for our field. This will be a supportive space for foundations to consider how you can meet this moment.
What will you learn?
Actionable ideas to help you be both responsive and proactive as we anticipate the road ahead to advancing racial equity and racial justice
Thoughtful and proven approaches to lean into your organizational values and harness the power of our sector for a more racially equitable and just society
Ways to strengthen your relationships in community and across sectors
Cathy Albisa, Vice President of Institutional and Sectoral Change, Race Forward
Lori Villarosa, Executive Director, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
Who should attend?
All interested funders, regardless of roles. Our intention is to support those who have influence in shaping the culture, structures, leadership, and grantmaking practices of institutions regardless of positional power. What to expect: This interactive session will include opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing as well as Q&A and conversation with national thought leaders.
How do you sign up?
Members: Please log in and click the Register Now link above (no fee).
Members of Co-Sponsors: Please register with your organization (no fee).
Registration is required by March 25th.
Registrants will receive the webinar link a day prior to each session.
Please email with questions or for further information on this program or on eligibility.