Resistance and Resilience Strategy of the Climate Movement - Webinar

Thursday, January 5, 2017 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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The political landscape nationally and in many states appears increasingly hostile to action on climate change. All indications are that we will be faced with attempts to roll back progress on climate change and clean energy.

Given that communities all over the world are already feeling the impacts of a changing climate, we are at a crucial moment. What is the most effective way to continue to build and engage the power of the climate movement?

Many climate leaders are suggesting a double strategy of resistance and resilience. Resistance uses tactics of public mobilization, nonviolent direct action, and culture shift to interrupt, spotlight, and impede the economic, political, and cultural forces that stand in the way of meaningful climate action. This includes both longer-term opportunities, like Standing Rock, and movement-building moments, like the local and national actions planned by the People’s Climate Movement to mark the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, which will include a second People’s Climate March this April in DC.

Resilience, on the other hand, is focused on seeding, supporting, and scaling the kinds of grassroots solutions to the climate crisis that take advantage of where we can realistically make change at this moment—while building the political muscle to create larger scale policy solutions in the future. Taken together, these strategies can help meet the challenges we face by mitigating harm and building the solutions open to us at the moment.

The participants in this call are straddling both strategies, but this conversation will focus primarily on resistance as a tactic for long-term and rapid-response organizing. They will be using their experience organizing around issues like Keystone XL, fossil fuel divestment and reinvestment, and the Clean Power Plan, to lead this discussion.

  • What major challenges and opportunities are ahead?
  • What changes in strategy and tactics are needed, given the switch from a relatively friendly policy landscape to an antagonistic one?
  • How do we create real solutions, and keep up hope, in the face of this new status quo?
  • How can funders best support this work at this moment?


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All interested funders.


2:00-3:00 PM Program

Registration is required by January 4th.

Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. 

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