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Cassius Johnson, Education Policy Expert, Joins Carnegie Corporation of New York

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Cassius O. Johnson, an education policy analyst, will join the Carnegie Corporation of New York as a Program Officer working on the foundation’s New Designs for K-16 Pathways program. Johnson is an experienced education reformer, whose tenure at...
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Ford Foundation Appoints Kavita N. Ramdas as Representative in New Delhi

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The Ford Foundation has announced the appointment of Kavita N. Ramdas as Representative in its New Delhi office, serving India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Ramdas will assume the leadership from Steven Solnick, Representative since 2008, who was recently...

Ms. Foundation for Women Selects Deborah Jacobs as Vice President, Advocacy and Policy

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The Ms. Foundation for Women is pleased to announce the launch of their first Advocacy and Policy department and, after a lengthy search, have selected renowned civil rights advocate and champion Deborah Jacobs to lead the new department as the Vice...
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Movement Building and System Change

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By Mitch Nauffts, PhilanTopic (This post originally appeared on PhilanTopic, the Philanthropy News Digest blog, on May 14, 2012 and is reprinted with permission.) The bad old days of the ’70s and ’80s are a distant memory for many...
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