Media coverage of tragedy — terrorist attacks, homelessness, the refugee crisis — can be so overwhelming it's numbing. Charities say it can also make it harder to get support. Some are hoping a new form of media will be more persuasive — virtual...
The New England Foundation for the Arts announced a series of program design changes to the National Dance Project. These design changes are supported in part by a two-year renewed grant of $3,629,400 from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.
Michele Kumi Baer at The New York Community Trust asks, "How do we get the City to more deeply embrace the values of cultural equity, and enshrine those values in the plan?"
GallopNYC had acquired the horse stables near Forest Park, Queens, operated for many years as Lynne's Riding School, in Forest Hills, N.Y. The stable will be known as GallopNYC (Forest Hills).
Last month, Mr. Feeney and Atlantic completed the sprint and made a final grant, $7 million to Cornell University, to support students doing community service work.
Kelly Henning, who leads Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Health efforts, writes in Health Affairs about the foundation's progress and challenges with supporting tobacco control measures globally.
Congress has another reason not to roll back Obamacare too quickly: New research suggests that repealing two major provisions of Obamacare without replacing them right away could cost the nation 3 million jobs and trigger negative economic impacts...
President of the Ford Foundation Darren reflects, "for as much progress as we have made, America has yet to fully live up to its promise and founding aspiration to be a nation of liberty, dignity, and justice for all. Yet this noble vision remains...