The New York Stem Cell Foundation's cutting-edge research and pioneering efforts to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial diseases from mother to child is explored in depth in a cover story in the current New York Times Sunday Magazine.
Morgan Stanley named Newark the third location for its Healthy Cities initiative, a program connecting several local nonprofits, schools and hospitals to help support healthy child development.
Internet and broadband technologies already play a critical role for the LGBT community in all aspects of life and according to a new report, they can do more.
In "Making Change," a podcast of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Phil Henderson, president, Surdna Foundation, discusses why effective philanthropy is about working toward a long-term goal.
A group of 33 African Diaspora scholars have been selected to collaborate with higher education institutions in Africa on curriculum co-development, research, graduate teaching, training and mentoring activities, as part of a fellowship funded by...
A Commonwealth Fund analysis finds that 19 states may be in violation of laws requiring them to assist consumers understand their insurance options under the Affordable Health Care Act.