Cassius O. Johnson, an education policy analyst, will join the Carnegie Corporation of New York as a Program Officer working on the foundation’s New Designs for K-16 Pathways program. Johnson is an experienced education reformer, whose tenure at...
The Ford Foundation has announced the appointment of Kavita N. Ramdas as Representative in its New Delhi office, serving India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Ramdas will assume the leadership from Steven Solnick, Representative since 2008, who was recently...
Ann Raffel has joined the staff of the John A. Hartford Foundation as its new Information Technology Officer. Prior to arriving at the foundation, Raffel worked as IT Administrator for the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, managing...
The Ms. Foundation for Women is pleased to announce the launch of their first Advocacy and Policy department and, after a lengthy search, have selected renowned civil rights advocate and champion Deborah Jacobs to lead the new department as the Vice...
The Board of Trustees of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is pleased to announce the election of Kevin Burke as a Trustee of the Foundation, effective immediately. Burke is Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Consolidated...
The Board of Trustees of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has also announced the election of Dr. Sandra O. Moose as Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, effective immediately.
We’re pleased to share a recent conversation between the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and Dr. Marc Nivet, Chief Diversity Officer of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), which received a President’s Grant from the Foundation to define...
(This conversation between the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and Dr. Marc Nivet , Chief Diversity Officer of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) , appeared on the Foundation’s blog on May 1, 2012 and is reprinted with...