A federal court-ordered report has highlighted numerous shortcomings in the city’s efforts to install and maintain curb ramps to make every corner accessible to people with disabilities.
The Macquarie Group Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Macquarie Group, has announced Cerebral Palsy Alliance as the recipient of the 2017 Macquarie Social Innovation Award.
Now, researchers during a University of Illinois during Chicago have identified an enzyme benefaction in a cornea that becomes dramatically upregulated and triggers inflammation during and even after a herpes pathogen infection has cleared.
Washington State and Minnesota are top-ranked states again, but all states lag in helping care for the growing populations of people aging and living with disabilities.
Susan Olivo of Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation says that the starting point for more inclusive philanthropy is simply to reframe your thinking.
Rauch Foundation's Imagine Awards celebrate those who work to create a community where everyone belongs on behalf of people with disabilities in our community.