Community Development

The New York Community Trust Grants $4.8 Million to Invest in a Fairer, More Equitable New York

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Combating youth violence, addressing climate change, and improving access to mass transit. These are just three of the 46 projects New York’s community foundation is supporting to improve life for New Yorkers.

Rockefeller Foundation Partners with African Development Bank to Open Doors for Nigerian Women in ICT

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The Bank, together with its partners - The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft and Facebook announced the holding of the class in March on International Women's Day, as part of a concerted push to close the gender gap in the representation of women in...

Salesforce.Org Empowers Nonprofits and Higher Education Institutions to Drive Social Impact at Scale With Einstein AI

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03/21/2019, the social enterprise of Salesforce, the global leader in CRM, is bringing the power of Salesforce Einstein Artificial Intelligence to empower nonprofits and higher education institutions of all sizes, enabling them to deepen...
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Surdna Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, Prudential, Among Foundations Leading the Way in Impact Investing and Racial Equity

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It has been inspiring to be part of the rapidly growing impact investing movement over the last several years, as foundations and their partners have committed more of their assets to social and environmental change. In the midst of this growth,...

Carnegie Corporation Supported Report Finds America's $23 Billion School Funding Gap

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It was nearly three decades ago when the New Jersey Supreme Court found the state’s school funding formula shortchanged its poorest students, and lawmakers directed more money to districts serving large shares of low-income children. Now, a new...


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