Civic Engagement

09 Jan 2017

David vs. Goliath: How Arizona Advocates Won Victories in the Fight Against Extremism - Webinar

Monday, January 9, 2017 -
3:00pm to 4:00pm
Despite a 2016 election season which saw the rise of xenophobic rhetoric, advocates in Arizona have surprised many by successfully pushing back against anti-immigrant bills in the state legislature, defeating leading anti-immigration figure Sheriff...
16 Jun 2016

Will Philanthropy Join In The Fight To Vote?

Thursday, June 16, 2016 -
8:30am to 11:00am
In the midst of this year’s presidential election, understanding the right to vote – and exercising this right – is critical to the future of the country. This issue has been at the center of American politics since the beginning, from the Founders...
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New York State Grantmakers for Census Equity

Publication date: 
In 2017, a small group of funders came together to create a learning community about the upcoming 2020 census, and to consider ways in which philanthropy could play a role in ensuring a fair and accurate census count.That group became PNY's 2020 Census Work Group . Working with the membership of PNY's upstate sister organization New York Funders Alliance , an expanded group of funders and philanthropic member associations established New York State Grantmakers for Census Equity , a collaboration through which funders can coordinate the allocation of resources towards census-...

A New Way Forward: Bringing an Equity Lens to the Work of Reducing the Influence of Money in Our Democracy

Publication date: 
This touches upon key issues to help analyze grantmaking strategies. How does your definition of “winning” fit in a broader democracy reform agenda? How do we authentically connect with communities of color to develop a new framework of equity, diversity, and inclusion? How do we build effective collaborative relationships towards victory, without losing sight of long-term capacity and infrastructure needs?
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The New York Community Trust Awards $9.9 Million in Grants to 53 Nonprofits

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Grants aim to counter vaccine hesitancy and misinformation, increase voter engagement, bridge the digital divide, and more.


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