The Foundation Administrators Network (FAN) is a Philanthropy New York professional peer network of HR and operations professionals at member grantmaking organizations. FAN hosts quarterly meetings on a broad range of topics relevant to HR and operations administration.
With an increasing number of organizations using coaching to engage and empower their staff during the employee lifecycle, what are some key considerations when building a coaching practice in our own organizations? In what ways can coaching help us to create a paradigm shift? Examples of using coaching include supporting leadership and talent development strategies, enhancing feedback practices, and contributing to a positive employee experience.
Please join us for this interactive in-person meeting to:
- Hear how your peers are building a coaching practice in their organizations
- Discuss key considerations, change management strategies, and the role of HR and leadership when building a coaching practice
- In small groups, practice your coaching techniques based on some common workplace scenarios
What will you learn?
- Examples of frameworks, tools, and competencies for effective coaching
- Aligning your coaching practice with organizational strategy and goals
- Managing the move from managers to people leaders/coaches
- The value of regular coaching conversations
Who should attend?
All interested members, especially members who are people-managers and members of FAN, as well as prospective FAN members who have a responsibility for foundation administration, including human resources and operations. What to expect: presentation and discussion, followed by exploring coaching scenarios in small groups.
- Dora Mendez, Founder and CEO, Coach Dora LLC
- Nick Collins (Moderator), Human Resources Manager, The Wallace Foundation
- List of speakers in formation
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Check-in
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Program (followed by lunch)
Registration is required by November 6th.
Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.
Non-Member Funders: Create an account or log in above and click the Register Now link.
Please email with any questions.